Sunday, March 20, 2016


Colossians 3:2                             (ESV)
"Set your minds on "THINGS" that are above, not on "THINGS" that are on earth."

Not long ago I wrote about this verse, but apparently I do not learn so easily?  This morning the enemy has me thinking about how many "THINGS" that I need to do, "THINGS" that are all related to this world.  It's funny how the "THINGS" of GOD always  have to intentionally be placed in my mind, never do they jump into my mind?

Perhaps that is why the Apostle Paul instructed us to SET YOUR MINDS, not to leave it to chance, but to intentionally SET YOUR MINDS on "THINGS" that are above?   The enemy is relentless about attempting to flood our minds with all kinds of paraphernalia that had little impact on the Kingdom of GOD as he doesn't want anything of GOD to prosper.

It is becoming obvious to me that I need make a concerted effort to, MANY TIMES A DAY, set my mind on Heavenly "THINGS" and not let my focus be moved!  It has often been said "A mind is a terrible "THING" to waste"!  Unless our MINDS are intentionally SET on "THINGS" above we allow it to be controlled by the "THINGS" that are of this world,, "THINGS" that are meaningless and trifling.

FATHER IN HEAVEN, cause me to "Set your minds on "THINGS" that are above, not on "THINGS" that are on earth", and to continually do that throughout my day!!!

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