Wednesday, March 9, 2016


Psalms 24:1-2                              (ESV)
"1 THE EARTH IS THE LORD's" and the fullness thereof, the world AND those who dwell therein,
2 for HE has founded it upon the seas and established it upon the rivers."

It isn't too difficult to remember growing up and someone taking THEIR ball and going home!  Most of the time that person would be disgruntled about something and the relationship would be strained for a few days, then things would get back to normal.  Occasionally, the relationship was permanently affected and they never came back to play with us any more.  When that happened, the hurt must have been deep and lasting!

When we slow down enough to truly grasp that "THE EARTH IS THE LORD's" and we are just entrusted with occupying it for a few years, we really have no ownership of anything.  King David, the writer of this Psalm, wrote "the world AND those who dwell therein" belong to the LORD.  Since WE belong to the LORD, why shouldn't we defer to HIS leadership in all we do?   We are HIS, and this world we visit for an amazingly short period of time, it ALL belongs to HIM.  All of "our assets", in reality, are HIS as you will not see many armored trucks at a funeral!

There are those who only live on the earth for a short time span. But if we all are HIS then HE should have the privilege to leave us here as short of time, or long of a time, as HE sees fit!  In reality, we don't have the right to "do what we want to " as our selfish wants were crucified with JESUS on Calvary (Galatians 5:24)!

Understanding that "THE EARTH IS THE LORD's" and ALL that is within it isn't something that is easy to come to grips with!  But our days are numbered (Job 14:5) and we don't know how many we have.  When our time on earth, according to GOD's Plan, are completed, HE will call us HOME!  Our relationship with HIM will be ALL that matters on that day, as "THE EARTH IS THE LORD's" and ALL that dwell therein!!!

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