Thursday, March 3, 2016


Isaiah 40:27-28                                     (ESV)
"27 Why do you say, O Jacob, and speak, O Israel, "My way is hidden from the LORD, and my right is disregarded by my GOD"?
28 Have you not known? Have you not heard? The LORD is the everlasting GOD, the "CREATOR OF THE ENDS OF THE EARTH". HE does not faint or grow weary; HIS understanding is unsearchable."

Looking back over my entire life I can see how GOD has used every good thing, and every bad thing, to grow me into a vessel to honor HIM.   So why should I worry and fret then over how things are going to turn out, for I "know that for THOSE WHO LOVE GOD all things work together FOR GOOD, for those who are called according to HIS purpose."  (Romans 8:28).  I am one of "THOSE WHO LOVE GOD" and all things are under HIS control!  I need to remind myself that HE is driving this bus!  I just need to enjoy the scenery!!!!

Keeping numerous translations of the Holy Bible around is something I relish in.  Seeing what different translations of the same verse say gives a wide perspective of what GOD is trying to say to me that day.  The 1599 Geneva Bible translates Isaiah 40:28 as "Knowest thou not? or hast thou not heard, that the everlasting GOD, the LORD HATH CREATED THE ENDS OF THE EARTH?  HE neither fainteth, nor is weary: there is no searching of HIS understanding."

I'm no Bible scholar, nor do I hold any college degrees or formal education on the Bible.  I have to rely on the HOLY SPIRIT to reveal HIS truths to me during my study time.  But when scripture says "the LORD HATH CREATED THE ENDS OF THE EARTH", I have the distinct impression that the LORD ALREADY KNOWS what is going to occur in our future!  HE isn't surprised by anything, for HE CREATED ALL THINGS!  HE knows what the future holds and how HE will be glorified!

GOD never gets tired, nor does HE make a mistake!  HE already knows what lies ahead of us and HE wants us to TRUST in HIM for our safety and sustenance.  After all, HE is the "CREATOR OF THE ENDS OF THE EARTH", so if HE created it, it's all good, as a friend of mine says!

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