Thursday, March 24, 2016


Matthew 12:43-45                  (ESV)
"43 "When the unclean spirit has gone out of a person, it passes through waterless places seeking rest, but finds none.
44 Then it says, 'I will return to my house from which I came.' And when it comes, it finds the house empty, swept, and put in order.
45 Then it goes and brings with it seven other spirits more evil than itself, and they enter and dwell there, and the last state of that person is worse than the first. So also will it be with this "EVIL GENERATION"."

The Spirit of the LIVING GOD dwells within my body.  There is nothing I have done to deserve this, for my "heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick; who can understand it" (Jeremiah 17:9)?  To understand the GRACE of GOD is all about GOD's goodness to all mankind is to have a revelation from the same GOD (Matthew 16:17).  You can't understand without DIVINE INTERVENTION.  "This world" will hate us (Matthew 10:22) for HIS name's sake, so don't be upset when everyone isn't on our side when things get rough!

But how do people who haven't been born again (or regenerated) have their eyes opened?  During a recent Bible Study the following words from a devotional caused me to ponder how a person becomes so consumed by hate and vanity that there seems to be no hope for them?

"""Demons cannot enter into a person’s body just because they want to. There are spiritual laws that are in operation in the spirit realm and demons have to abide by these laws set up by God.

In some of these cases, the person has engaged in some type of sin that has given the demon the legal right to be able to enter into them."""

Some people are convinced they are right even when the evidence speaks plainly they aren't.  The only hope for their souls is for the FATHER IN HEAVEN to draw them to HIM (John 6:44), or to expel the unclean spirit.  My "natural" tendency is to defend my position and to argue my points.  But do I risk alienating them in an attempt to convince them when scripture plainly says the FATHER has to draw them?  Maybe I try to do GOD's job too many times, a job that I'm neither qualified, nor capable, of doing?

When an unclean spirit is dwelling in a person there has to be DIVINE INTERVENTION to cause them to vacate.  No matter who the person is, unless they have been regenerated (born-again) there is a good chance they are occupied by an unclean spirit.  This "EVIL GENERATION" is rampant with people who have never had DIVINE INTERVENTION and are infected with an unclean spirit.

FATHER IN HEAVEN, cause me to be more compassionate toward those who have never been exposed to YOUR mercy and forgiveness.   Help me to pray for their redemption and pray that they would turn from this "EVIL GENERATION"!!!

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