Saturday, March 26, 2016

"SON of GOD!"

1 John 5:20-21                (ESV)
"20 And we KNOW that the "SON of GOD" has come and has given us understanding, so that we may know HIM who is true; and we are in HIM who is true, in HIS SON JESUS CHRIST. HE is the true GOD and eternal life.
21 Little children, keep yourselves from idols."

At various and sundry times people inquire "how do I know" when making a decision that can have so many variables?  JESUS came to "give us understanding" and  scripture says in John 16:33 "I have said these things to you, that in ME you may have PEACE. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world."  JESUS is peace and when we are operating in HIS will we too will have peace!  Outside of HIS will and Plan for our lives brings a sense of doubt and fear, which are tools used by the enemy to steal, kill, and destroy!

The PEACE of GOD will not abide with or on us when our choices are directly in opposition to HIS Word.  In John 1 it is written that JESUS is the WORD!  It then stands to reason that UNLESS we are following HIM and HIS WORD that HIS PEACE will not be forthcoming.  JESUS is the PEACE that envelops us when we walk in HIS LIGHT.  HE "has given us understanding" to do what will honor and glorify the FATHER.

There is no secret to doing the FATHERS will.  GOD doesn't make HIS Plan a great mystery for us once we grow accustomed to walking by FAITH.  In John 17:1 JESUS prays "....FATHER, the hour has come; glorify your SON that the SON MAY GLORIFY YOU,...".   If JESUS went to Calvary seeking to glorify the FATHER, then everything we do should be seeking to glorify the FATHER!

When we are doing the will of the FATHER, PEACE will be in abundance in our lives.  Obviously the crucifixion of JESUS was not something we would list as an accomplishment on a Bucket List, but can you imagine anything more loving than than a HOLY GOD sacrificing HIS SON for HIS own Creation?  Being the "SON of GOD" and exhibiting that much LOVE surely proves HIS divinity!!!

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