Friday, March 18, 2016


Psalms 34:11-14                            (ESV)
"11 Come, O children, "LISTEN TO ME"; I will teach you the fear of the LORD.
12 What man is there who desires life and loves many days, that he may see good?
13 Keep your tongue from evil and your lips from speaking deceit.
14 Turn away from evil and do good; SEEK PEACE and pursue it."

Having a "quiet time" with the LORD is something that has been taught, maybe even shouted, to me since childhood.  For many years though I have been consumed with "getting ahead", not only being successful, but 'leading the pack' in the ways that I thought were best for all.  But Proverbs 14:12 says "There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way to death", and I was doing what "I" may have thought to be the best thing, instead of what GOD directed.

One perspective that has been a part of my recent vocabulary is to be "connected", or conversely "disconnected".   When we SLOW DOWN (and get connected to HIM) and allow GOD to speak to us, rather than seeing how quickly we can get through the day before us, HE can LEAD US in the path we should go (Psalms 32:8).  When we are TOO BUSY to "LISTEN TO ME", we are disconnected and tend to take the "way that seems right" to us, usually leading to trouble!

GOD says "IF" we "LISTEN TO ME" HE will teach us the fear of the LORD.  Do we make time to hear from HIM before we get started with our busy schedules?  Acknowledging HIM and LISTENING TO HIM are quite different avenues.  When a child hears a suggestion they MAY or may not obey.  But when they "LISTEN TO ME" and understand an order and the ramifications of the order, they more than likely will obey to AVOID DISCIPLINE.  

Most of us would admit if GOD appeared physically before us and gave us a directive on what HE desired for our lives, we would submit to HIS wishes, for HE is GOD!  But GOD does speak to us, we just need to "LISTEN TO ME" on HIS frequency.  For me, that means slowing my life down and removing all distractions so I can "LISTEN TO ME"!  As I continue to move closer to HIM and HIS righteousness, I find myself SEEKING PEACE and resting in HIM.   If we want to avoid many pitfalls and heartaches, we need to "LISTEN TO ME"!!!

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