Friday, March 25, 2016


Matthew 27:24-26                     (ESV)
"24 So when Pilate saw that he was gaining nothing, but rather that a riot was beginning, he took water and washed his hands before the crowd, saying, "I am innocent of this man's blood; see to it yourselves."
25 And ALL THE PEOPLE answered, "HIS BLOOD BE ON US" and on our children!"
26 Then he released for them Barabbas, and having scourged Jesus, delivered him to be crucified."

Over two thousand years ago on this very day JESUS, SON OF GOD, yielded HIS life for mankind as payment of the debt that I owed.  The entire 27th Chapter of Matthew must be read to appreciate the shame and humiliation JESUS endured, but I don't share it today in the interest of time and space.  Of all the 66 verses of the 27th Chapter of Matthew, the most condemning may be verse 25 where the people said "HIS BLOOD BE ON US AND OUR CHILDREN"!

Now we are talking about GOD in flesh, royalty beyond recognition!  The people of Jerusalem, representing mankind of times past, present and future, wouldn't recognize JESUS as being GOD when HE walked amongst them for 33 years.   They were so caught up in the frenzy of crucifixion that they said let "HIS BLOOD BE ON US AND OUR CHILDREN"!  Their children might be better interpreted our offspring, meaning their descendants.  Basically, we ALL were included in the pronunciation of guilt.  We ALL are guilty of sentencing JESUS to death, because we had a sin debt we could not pay!

Had I been alive during this time I would have probably been shouting the loudest "crucify HIM"!  Everyone (Psalms 53:1-3) is in need of a Savior.  Recognizing our need can only come through SEEING our sin and acknowledging the SAVIOR!  There are those who don't have time for the things of GOD and haven't SEEN the value in serving HIM. Having my eyes opened by THE FATHER to the TRUTH is the biggest blessing one can experience.  Don't think that all people are vile because they have yet to SEE.  GOD is merciful and if they are breathing they still have time!

When the people said "HIS BLOOD BE ON US AND OUR CHILDREN" I'm sure they didn't know what they were doing.  But since we ALL need a Savior, their words were more prophetic than they could have realized!  According to verses 45-46 of Matthew 27 the entire earth was dark from the sixth hour (most claim around noon) until the ninth hour (about 3PM).  The LIGHT OF THE WORLD (John 8:12) was hanging on a cross for MY sins, and all I can hear is "HIS BLOOD BE ON US AND OUR CHILDREN"!!!

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