Sunday, May 12, 2013


Last evening my wife and I were honored to dine with my youngest son and his wife for Mother's Day.   My oldest son and his wife only live 12 miles from him but there schedules would not match so they decided to make the 2 and a half hour trip today.  

I love both of my kids so much.  Both of them are married to beautiful ladies who love The Lord.  But the grandest thing is to see how much both of them love their mom.  Both of my boys are over six foot tall and their mom is five foot four inches tall.  Yet they respect and honor her like few other young men ever have.  

It has been said "The love shown by a son to his wife should be a direct reflection of the love shown by his father to his mother"!   Last night, as my youngest was hugging his mom good-bye, I became just a bit misty eyed.  

I hope both of my boys realize just how much their mom means to their dad.  And I pray that they will love their wives as much as I love their mom!  

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