Thursday, May 2, 2013


Some are convinced that "they are successful" and if everyone follows their example then the results will be similar and worthwhile.   But we all have differing views and takes on a multitude of issues in life.   No "brilliant author" or guru can assure your success.  JESUS says "For you have the poor with you always".  

In about the year 2200 BC (Genesis 11) the inhabitants of the earth decided they would build a tower to heaven.  They "thought" they had everything figured out!   GOD confounded (v. 7) their language and dispersed them (v. 8) into every part of the earth.  

In 1964 President Johnson introduced "The War on Poverty".  Johnson believed in expanding the government's role in education and health care as poverty reduction strategies.  The USA has literally spent Trillions of dollars on social programs trying to narrow the gap between the have's and the have not's.  

GOD is the ONLY answer for the problems that face anyone and everyone in the world today.  Whether you are born with the proverbial "golden spoon" in your mouth or in the deepest bowels of the African jungle.   There is not one hair of your head (Luke 12:7) that HE hasn't numbered.  

So when you are facing difficulty or trials, know that The CREATOR is ONE who delights in impossibilities!  Sometimes HE has to let the water get deep before HE parts the Red Sea.  

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