Sunday, May 19, 2013



About three years ago we started keeping "puppies" for BOTH my sons.  My youngest son was in college and was blessed with a stray (half Australian Shepherd and half Great Pyrenees named ECHO) while my older son had a 1 year old (half Labrador and half MIX? Named ROME) that had gotten too big for the apartment he lived in.  We still have both and they are royalty around our house!

A couple of months or so into keeping them ECHO was not minding.   He acted like he was playing!  I disciplined him, like the bad daddy.  Soon, we discovered ECHO cannot hear real good nor see real good.  He is not totally deaf, but his hearing is SEVERELY hampered.  We now  understand ECHO cannot hear so there are times we yell at ROME when we want to get THEIR  attention!    

When you think about it, people are real similar to ECHO and ROME!  Even though ROME may be acting fine, sometime he will have to be yelled at so ECHO will stop what he is doing wrong!  Matthew 13:15 says "For this people’s heart is waxed gross, and their ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes they have closed; lest at any time they should see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and should understand with their heart, and should be converted, and I should heal them. "

GOD disciplines HIS children.  Those who are not HIS children "ears are dull of hearing" and do not listen to HIS reproof.  I feel sorry for ECHO because I did not know he couldn't hear.   Sometimes, when GOD allows trials into my life, there may be an "ECHO" in my life that GOD needs to exhibit how my faith gets me through those times!  

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