Monday, May 13, 2013

"I need to SLOW DOWN!!"

I am amazed at how GOD operates at times.   This morning the local newspaper did not interest me, Facebook did not hold my attention, Twitter was of non concern, emails were discarded with great speed.......nothing seemed to "GRAB" me as being from GOD.  That is until I got to Dr. Charles Stanley's devotional!  

I challenge YOU not to skim over these words, yet to let this entire devotional spiritually "move you" to where GOD desires you to be this day.  Read it twice if necessary.  I have added some emphasis to words with parenthesis and capitalization.  

May 13
The Comfortable Church
Matthew 28:16-20

I think it’s fairly evident that the society we (and mainly I) live in is very self-centered, and this same characteristic can be present in a church. Whenever a local body of believers develops (and it can happen to the best of us) an inward focus, its fruitfulness in ministry begins to decrease, and EACH member’s Christian walk is hindered.

Many believers want their church to be cozy and COMFORTABLE. They come to listen to a nice sermon, fellowship with friends, and have THEIR needs met. But God never intended for the gathering of His people to be like a country club; He calls us to join an army that will bring the gospel into enemy territory.

An effective church—one that poses a real threat to the Enemy—is a body of discipled people who have been taught the truth of Scripture, trained for service, and helped to MATURE SPIRITUALLY. But all this is accomplished for the purpose of going out into the world, NOT for becoming a self-contained sanctuary of Christian comfort.

The urgency of the Lord’s command and the desperate condition of humanity should motivate us to LEAVE THE SAFETY of our Christian fellowships and deliver the message of salvation through Jesus. To avoid this responsibility is to miss the Father’s plan for your life and the opportunity to help build His kingdom.

None of us want to waste time or energy on trivial things and thereby miss the exciting fulfillment of God’s will. He has called us, NOT to a life of comfortable tradition, but to an ADVENTURE of obedience. Answer His call—you’ll help fill His kingdom with people from every tribe and nation. 

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