Thursday, June 20, 2013


Psalms 33:12   (KJV)
"Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD: and the people whom he hath chosen for his own inheritance."

Quite literally, my wife is my best friend!  I have many other friends, of which I am thankful for, but no one else is as caring and supportive as she is.  She was born in 1963.  (And yes, she will be 50 years old this year!).  Recently, she pointed out an article in our local newspaper to me called "This Week in History" that discussed an "advertisement" ran in June 1963.  I have made the decision to reprint the article on my blog.  

"In response to the Supreme Court (of the United States) ruling on separation of church and state this week, many local business in Texarkana showed their opposition to the ruling by running an ad that show a picture of the statute of Liberty, the American flag, an open Bible.  It states "The Church is the greatest factor on earth for the building of character and good citizen ship.  It is a storehouse of spiritual values.  Without a strong church, neither democracy nor civilization can survive.  Man is the child of a living GOD: we are made in GOD's image.  Here is explained the Dignity of the Individual.  Our national flag, our church flag would not be here today were it not for the open Book."

Now there are a couple of grammatical errors, but there is so much TRUTH to what was printed that one has to take notice!  These were businessmen of my city 50 years ago this month that bought this newspaper ad.  They could see the beginnings of our downward spiral then.  Unless we, Americans,  "HUMBLE" ourselves (2 Chronicles 7:14) and pray, seek HIS face, and "TURN" from our sinful and wicked ways, we are set for destruction!  

And don't think we are TOO STRONG, too powerful, too mighty to experience failure!  Remember the Roman Empire? Remember  September 11, 2001 when nineteen hijackers stopped the most powerful nation mankind has ever known!  Only NINETEEN HIJACKERS!!  JESUS alerted us to this in Matthew 11:25 when HE said  "I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes."  

The "WISE AND PRUDENT" have been leading the USA for too long.  It is time for us to "HUMBLE" ourselves and "TURN" from our wickedness!  I pray it is not too late!  

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