Wednesday, June 26, 2013


Joshua 1:7-8   (KJV)
"Only be thou strong and very courageous, that thou mayest observe to do according to all the law, which Moses my servant commanded thee: TURN NOT from it to the RIGHT hand or to the LEFT, that thou mayest PROSPER  whithersoever thou goest.  This book of the law SHALL NOT DEPART out of thy mouth; but THOU SHALT MEDITATE therein DAY and NIGHT, that thou mayest observe to DO ACCORDING to all that IS WRITTEN therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success."

Joshua wrote his book of The BIBLE  around 1400 BC, or 3400 years ago.  GOD did not just give the writings to the people of old to live by.  GOD gave us instruction and guidance many years ago that is still "valid" today.  

I recently observed a ministry pointing out that marriage can be an "ordeal" and people need to look to GOD for an answer.  The writer offered nothing from scripture to base his suggestions.  The problem is not recognizing "the Problem",.....sin!   
Only GOD offers a solution for man's problem.  

The "SOLUTION" to problems is STILL in scripture.  If "The book of law shall not depart out if thy mouth", then our actions would certainly improve.  GOD's word is a guide book for our lives.  GOD instructs us to obey HIS words.  We see the consequences of NOT walking in "HIS PATHS" all throughout scripture, and it is not pretty! 

FATHER, guide me to follow YOUR path for me.  Help me, O GOD, not get tangled in the web of lies and deceit offered by the enemy!  

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