Saturday, June 22, 2013


The journey for the children of Israel  from Egypt to The Promised Land should have taken anywhere from 4 days to 3 weeks, depending on which article you choose to read.  Why did 1.5 to 4 million people have to die before GOD would open their eyes to the correct path to The Promised Land? Why did a seemingly one week journey evolve into a near lifetime of struggle?  

When my oldest son was around a year old we moved into my in-laws house while I remodeled the house I grew up in.   We were "guests" for almost six months!  I cannot imagine being unsettled for forty years!!  To have a place to "hole up" and re-charge yourself is vital to your disposition.

GOD only allowed TWO of the Israeli refugees from Egypt to survive the journey.  TWO out of millions!  The grumbling and complaining people could not trust GOD!  Even in the New Testament we are reminded in 2 Corinthians 5:7 "For we walk by faith, not by sight".   In Hebrews 11:6 scripture records "But without FAITH it is "impossible" to please HIM: for he that cometh to GOD must believe that HE is, and that HE is a rewarder of them that diligently seek HIM."   Three words to be remembered...."WITHOUT", "FAITH", and "IMPOSSIBLE"!  

Too many times we feel our journey has to be guided by "sight"!   I have a quote saved that says "We have a GOD who delights in impossibilities".   Our "eyesight" determines what "realm" (address) we live in.  I pray my "eyesight" will not be on the wilderness I may have to travel, rather on the GOD who made the wilderness, as well as The PROMISED LAND!! 

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