Tuesday, June 18, 2013


Genesis 2:24   (KJV)
"Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be ONE flesh."

The enemy likes for me to think of the many failures of my life,  The times when I quit just before the blessing arrived.   The times when I tried to "do it all" on my own!  But, I "choose" to remember the blessings in my life!  The times of  insufficiency are dim in comparison to the all of the successes! 

GOD has blessed me with a "help meet" that is just perfect for me.  Just as GOD creates Eve for Adam, HE created my wife for me.  For me, she is just what I need.  She is there for me when I need her to be "public" and she is there for me when the situation calls for her to be more  "private"!  And before I move on, I must say "She can cook"!  

My oldest son is a calm, yet high energy, driven young man.  He married a young lady to compliment him perfectly, as GOD designed.  One thing about him......they recently bought a house.  Upon closing, he and his wife went to the house they had just purchased and he prayed over the house!   That made tears come to his dad's eyes!!

My youngest son has a heart for people that is unmatched.  His wife plans to earn her Doctorate in nursing premature babies.  He and her have a special gift for "seeing" needs that others overlook because they are too busy.   They constantly take in "orphan" animals for a couple of months to allow the animals "time" to be placed with new owners.  

And then there's JESUS!  HE is the biggest blessing of my life!   My wife and kids are a great joy, but there is nothing like the joy and peace that knowing that I have "LIFE, and that they might have it more abundantly" as stated in John 10:10.  

Most of today's problems could be avoided if people lived the scripture in Genesis 2:24.  If husband and wife were "ONE" and fought problems as a team, they would be a team hard to beat.  Ecclesiastes 4:12 says "And if one prevail against him, two shall withstand him; and a threefold cord is not quickly broken."

I am thankful for my "blessings" and pledge to verbalize it more to them.  And I will always remember that we are a "threefold cord" (husband, wife, JESUS)!  

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