Tuesday, May 6, 2014


Psalms 26:2        (KJV)
"Examine me, O LORD, and prove me; try my reins and my heart."

While reading this scriptures, I was caused to hesitate and ponder the depths of how this scripture should be applied to my life?  To begin with, how many people actually desire to have The LORD "Examine me"?  Do you feel comfortable with the Creator of the Universe seeing all of your dirty laundry?  Would JESUS be welcomed reading your magazines or watching your television programming?

When you go to the Physician's office and the doctor "examines" you, do you feel as though they have done a good job if they give you a cursory look and prescribe some medications and send you on your way!  Or would you prefer to be "examined" and have some serious calculations go into your diagnosis and treatment?  If my arm is hurting, I do not necessarily need my arm amputated!  I need to determine what is causing the pain and see if it can be medicated to make the pain subside.

David knew he was an imperfect vessel. He also knew GOD was a living and gracious being. When he asks The LORD to prove him, and try the reins and his heart, he was not saying he was better than anyone else.  I believe he was saying that his intent was to serve The LORD in all things and to bring HIM glory and honor.

Being an "Imperfect vessel" myself I am ashamed to have The LORD "Examine me"!  But as The LORD performs a thorough examination, I am confident HE will diagnose me with a terminal case of JESUS FEVER, of which there is no cure!

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