Monday, May 26, 2014


"I believe that the Christ
who was slain on the cross
has the POWER to CHANGE lives today.
For HE changed me completely
a new life is mine
that is why by the cross I will stand

I believe in a hill called Mount Calvary
I believe whatever the cost
And when time has surrendered
and earth is no more
I'll still cling to the Old Rugged Cross!"

Romans 10:11 (GNV) says "For the Scripture saith, Whosoever "BELIEVETH" in HIM, shall not be ashamed."

One commentary on Romans 10:11 enlightens us "To believe in God is to "yield" and "consent" to God’s promise of our salvation by Christ, and that not only in general, but when we KNOW that the promises pertain to us whereupon riseth a SURE TRUST."

What is a "SURE TRUST"?  How can I be so certain that all of this BIBLE stuff is real and I am not living a life based on a farce!  The Bible says in Hebrews 11:6 "But without FAITH it is impossible to please HIM: for he that cometh to GOD, must believe that GOD is, and that HE is a rewarder of them that seek HIM."  I have a FAITH, or a "SURE TRUST", that GOD is who HE claims to be and HE is still on HIS throne!

Am I Saved?  Born Again?  Converted?  The song above uses words I love, "For HE changed me completely, a new life is mine"!  I have a "SURE TRUST" that GOD sent JESUS CHRIST into this world as a ransom for those who believe on HIM.  I will continue to "yield" and "consent" to HIS will for my life while I exhibit a "SURE TRUST" in HIM!

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