Saturday, May 10, 2014


Proverbs 22:6         (ESV)
"Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it."

Today my sons, with their spouses,have now gone shopping came to our house for Mother's Day!  My two sons helped their old dad move a dump truck load of topsoil my wife purchased yesterday.  Now, the ladies have gone shopping and my boys had to run to the store.

I am so proud of my sons, not because they helped me with moving dirt today!  But to see the MEN they have grown to be is a joy one cannot explain.  Sometimes I think I may have been too hard on my kids while I was raising them.  But I see where the straight and narrow approach has provided great dividends as they have grown.

When you plant seeds, you have to water, weed, and nurture the plants as they grow.  Today, I am seeing the harvest of TWO MEN that are dedicated to JESUS CHRIST!  I am honored to see their families being led, as they are being led by the Holy Spirit.  The TWO MEN that I call my sons are a blessing to me and those who know and love them!

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