Wednesday, May 14, 2014


Psalms 41:11-12                   (KJV)
"11 By this I KNOW that THOU FAVOUREST ME, because mine enemy doth not triumph over me.
12 And as for me, thou upholdest me in mine integrity, and settest me before thy face for ever."

Sometimes I just have to remember who I am in CHRIST!  We have all heard the quote "I know I am somebody, cause GOD doesn't make junk"!  Not only doesn't GOD make junk, HE sent HIS only SON as a ransom for me.  HE loves me so much that sacrificed HIS precious SON so I could experience life in HIM.

The enemy tries to "triumph over me" continuously!  But "this I KNOW that THOU favourest me" and has prepared a "table before me in the presence of mine enemies".  The enemy may try to convince me that I am weak and easily defeated, but because of what JESUS did for me, CHRIST has "settest me before thy face for ever."

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