Tuesday, May 20, 2014

"Following GOD's direction!"

Exodus 14:21-22                 (KJV)
"21 And Moses stretched out his hand over the sea; and the LORD caused the sea to go back by a strong east wind all that night, and made the sea dry land, and the waters were divided.
22 And the children of Israel went into the midst of the sea upon the dry ground: and the waters were a wall unto them on their right hand, and on their left."

Have you ever needed GOD to perform a miraculous work to help you survive a situation?  The Children of Israel found themselves in a position most would do their best not to be in.  They were exiting Egyptian soil by "Following GOD's direction"!  Chapter 13 of Exodus tells how GOD provided a pillar of a cloud by day, and a pillar of fire by night to LEAD them on the correct path.

In Exodus 14:1-2, it is recorded that The LORD spoke to Moses and instructed the Nation of Israel to TURN around and camp near the Red Sea!  In verse three GOD tells Moses that Pharaoh will think they are confused to attempt to overcome them.  The Children of Israel began to question GOD "Because there were no graves in Egypt, hast thou taken us away to die in the wilderness"?

Why would GOD instruct them to turn around when the Egyptians were coming after them?  Why would GOD have them set up camp when HE knew they were being pursued?  GOD knew the Red Sea was deep where they camped.  HE knew the area was suitable for three million Jewish people to cross the dry ground that HE would provide. HE knew that the water would be deep enough to engulf the Egyptian army when HE quit holding the water back.  GOD knew HE would gain glory over Pharaoh (verses 4;17-18) and the Egyptians in the Red Sea.  Had the Israelites counted their losses and surrendered before the Egyptians caught up with them, GOD never would have had the opportunity to work HIS miracle!

The Israelites had to trust that GOD would deliver them out of a difficult situation.  Certain doom and death was right in front of GOD's chosen people.  Did they deserve to be saved from peril?  Probably not.  All they were doing was whining about how GOD had led them to such the place where "HE" could gain glory over their enemy.

I pray that when I am faced with certain peril I have enough faith not to whine and complain! Rather I pray I will have enough faith in my GOD to know that HE has not lost HIS strength, and HE has not lost HIS power!  HE knew the Red Sea in Moses' day and HE knows the circumstances we face today.  I need to be willing to follow HIS direction and HIS chosen path for me so HE can gain glory over my enemies.  It is my desire for GOD to gain glory from my enemies........even if I have to face a Red Sea!!!

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