Saturday, May 17, 2014

"Overcome evil with good!"

Romans 12:19-21                 (KJV)
"19 Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.
20 Therefore if thine enemy hunger, feed him; if he thirst, give him drink: for in so doing thou shalt heap coals of fire on his head.
21 Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good."

Many times in my younger life I felt as though I 'had' to defend my honor.  My mom and dad divorced when I was four years old and my father moved to Canada to avoid paying child support.  I walked around with the proverbial "chip on my shoulder" not having a father at home to mentor me.  It was only after my children were born I realized that I was not the one who missed out on having a father.  It was my father who missed out on instilling values and wisdom into his son.

Verse 21 above brings back a myriad of memories from a childhood.  I was always trying to overcome evil with evil.  My pastor when I was saved, Rev. Doyle Wesson, was a mentor unlike any other in my life. He exemplified the traits of "overcoming evil with good".  Before my salvation, and unfortunately sometimes afterwards, I had the "vengeance is mine" attitude and would try to implement my attitudes and thoughts on those around me.  Now the realization and revelation has been shown to me that GOD works on others in HIS timing, just as HE works on me in HIS timing!

Everyone is rewarded for their actions.  Some may have to wait until eternity to reap their harvest, but you WILL REAP YOUR HARVEST!  My father moved back to the USA two years after my little sister turned 18 years old.  In 1990, he suffered a brain hemorrhage that left him totally paralyzed!  For TWO YEARS the only thing he could move on his body was his eyes!   My half-brother would walk into his room at the nursing home and tears would be coming out of his eyes, and he could not even wipe his own eyes.

Through my life, I have seen where letting GOD repay with HIS vengeance is far more severe than anything I could ever dream of.  I will endeavor to do good to those who wrong me, and leave the "Vengeance" to someone more qualified to dispense it!  I am to "overcome evil with good" and let vengeance be left up to HIM!

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