Sunday, October 13, 2013


Romans 12:20-21 (KJV) "20 Therefore if thine enemy hunger, feed him; if he thirst, give him drink: for in so doing thou shalt heap coals of fire on his head. 21 Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good." I get so upset with the direction our world is heading. It appears "that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually", as in Genesis 6:5. But as HE always does, GOD knew this was going to take place, and HE even ordained it. GOD has shown that HE can use "BAD" for HIS Glory! Scripture records in Exodus 14 that my GOD said "I will harden Pharaoh’s heart"! I am sure that Pharaoh didn't tell his men to "Come on, let's chase after the Israeli's and die doing it"! No, GOD was in control in those days, and HE is just as powerful today. My heart, and yours, is under HIS control also. HE has a plan for me (Jer. 29:11) and HE is in charge. I can plan and says what "I THINK" is best, but HIS plan leads me down a different path. Just as HE KNEW the children of Israel would leave Egypt, and just as HE KNEW that they would be chased by the Egyptians, and just as HE KNEW the Egyptians would chase them until in the middle of the Red Sea, and just as HE KNEW HE would collapse the Red Sea upon the Egyptians, HE KNEW that when they were taken captive by the Egyptians over 400 years prior! HE didn't have to wait until HE gained enough strength to part the Red Sea! HE uses the "captivity" to show the Israelites what "FREEDOM" truly felt like. GOD uses hardships in our lives to form us into vessels HE can use FOR HIS GLORY! Sometimes "I want" evil to be eradicated. I don't relish "good" people going through difficult times, but sometimes those people have to endure "400 Years" of captivity, or a 40 year tract through the desert, or whatever you are going though to be used of GOD, for GOD's Glory! GOD, help me to understand that YOU love me too much to leave me in captivity forever. YOU use the tough times in my life to show me YOUR power when deliverance comes. YOU are just as powerful today as when you parted the Red Sea! YOU can bury my Pharaoh, but my heart has to be molded to where YOU can use it for YOUR GLORY!

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