Thursday, October 31, 2013

"The just SHALL live by faith!"

Romans 10:38      (KJV)
"Now the just SHALL live by faith: but if any man draw back, my soul shall have no pleasure in him."

This morning a post was on my Facebook Wall from a friend.  It read "Isn't it ironic that 'In GOD we trust' is printed on the very thing (dollars) we find it most difficult to trust GOD with"?  I began pondering and meditating this statement and how a lack of funds can drive us to extreme measures.

Some people constantly live with a desire to make more money.  Some even resort to stealing from others to gain their wealth.  Some hit it BIG in the markets.  Some inherit a lot of wealth.  Yet, some people never have anything!  They live from one pay check to the next with very little hope of getting out of the "RUT" they find themselves in.

I have been to the funeral of some people who "were" wealthy.  I have been to a lot more funerals of people who "were" not so wealthy.  Whether the wealth left behind from either was great or small, it was ALL left behind!

I have heard it said "The only thing that remains when we leave this world is our legacy!"   I pray my legacy is not how much money I leave behind.  Rather how many souls were impacted for HEAVEN!

It seems we are "endowed" with certain traits we can't get away from.    The word "endowed" is defined as "to furnish, as with some talent, faculty, or quality; equip."  Some have (or are equipped) with some traits, while others are built differently. Certain people are born with an ability to make a lot of money.  I must have missed out on that dispensation.  But, I seem to have been "endowed" with a heart for the things of GOD!  I did not choose to be this way.  I was ordained to be this way.  To fulfill GOD'S purpose for your life gives an indescribable fulfillment.

When you are doing what HE calls (equips, ordains) you to do, "The just SHALL live by faith" portion becomes rather simple to perform.   It is simple if we trust in HIM.  Where we get in trouble is when we try to do things, in our minds, to impress HIM!  If HE wants you to do something for HIM, HE will equip you to do it!  

FATHER GOD, I pray that I will operate freely inside of YOUR will and plan for my existence on this earth.  I pray my legacy is a servant who pleased GOD in everything I do!

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