Saturday, October 19, 2013


This is my feelings about the current Republican Party. I "USED" to be a member of the Republican Party. I am now a member of "GOD'S PARTY"! While there is no doubt Republicans reflect more of the Biblical values than the Democrats, neither party demonstrates a reverence for the Bible or it's teachings. I have tired of people saying you can't mix politics and religion, as though politics is more important. This nation was founded on people fleeing a government that told you how to worship. The Bible will remain LONG after the United States, and others nations, have passed away. Being a part of the Republican Party is not what I desire my legacy to be. I want to be remembered as a man who followed the Bible. If then I follow the US Constitution, then I will accept that. I pray other "CHRISTIANS" will get off the Democrat and Republican carousel and get involved in the only campaign that matters'.

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