Friday, October 11, 2013


Philippians 4:8 (KJV) "Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things." We all get in to routines. Since I have been married to the most beautiful, perfect woman in the world FOR ME (30 years Feb 17!), I have gotten up every morning, ate breakfast and read the newspaper. Lately I have become more aware that the majority of the stories that are "reported" on are things that are not pleasurable. Trials in court rooms, Auto Accidents, scandals by elected officials, and the ever present Obituaries. The enemy loves for us to be looking at the "faults" of others! And it's easy to do! I can justify criticizing the President when his policies violate scripture. I can find fault with the Governor when scripture is not considered in his decisions. When local elected officials make some moves that appear to be "self serving" it is only "natural" to voice our disapproval. Lately, I have been attempting to delve into GOD's Word before I let my mind get clouded with the things of the world. The Holy Spirit directed Paul to to list things that are TRUE, HONEST, PURE, LOVELY, THINGS OF GOOD REPORT, THINGS WITH VIRTUE AND GOOD REPORT. These are ALL tools used to develop us into pleasing vessels of GOD! He did NOT include vile, destructive, hateful, demeaning and self centered for a reason. The enemy uses those tools to further his kingdom. We have to "CHOOSE" whom and what we listen to. A person can listen to the "filth" of the enemy, or a person can "CHOOSE" to listen to the things of GOD listed in Philippians 4:8. GOD, I pray that my ears become more deaf to the things of this world. I pray that I will be so "IN TUNE" with YOUR SPIRIT that the noise of the enemy will be muted!

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