Saturday, October 19, 2013


Luke 24:38-39 (KJV) "And he said unto them, Why are ye troubled? and why do thoughts arise in your hearts? Behold my hands and my feet, that it is I myself: handle me, and see; for a spirit hath not flesh and bones, as ye see me have." Last night, like most other Friday nights when our local high school team is at home, my wife and I attended the high school football game. It was the Homecoming Game, so there were people in the stands from two classes having reunions. We saw many people I knew. I saw a lady who worked at our office when she was in high school, a man who I attended church with when I was in my teen years, and even saw a Doctor who helped me in the Rehabilitation Hospital following my brain hemorrhage. There was one lady my wife and I recognized who was wearing a hot pink colored fleece top, but I cannot remember where I know her from! In the scripture passage above, the disciples knew JESUS, but they had seen HIM crucified and knew HE was dead! HE had told them HE would be killed and raised from the dead (Matthew 17:22), but they were not prepared for THE TRUTH (John 14:6). In Luke 24, JESUS tells the disciples to touch HIS body and KNOW that "IT IS I"! HIS spirit has no flesh and bones, "as ye see me have", but HIS spirit was able to occupy HIS body even after man tried to kill it. Our bodies are only "temporary housing" for the SOUL we really are. The quote from C.S. Lewis comes to my mind "You don't have a Soul; You are a Soul. You have a Body"! JESUS demonstrated that this existence is NOT the end-all. Everyone else would have never left Heaven to come to earth, let alone return to earth. But HE came back to HIS body out of LOVE for us. HE was demonstrating that HE had defeated death, hell, and the grave! One day I will see JESUS and I will know HIM immediately! Unlike the lady with the hot pink top at the football game last night, there will be no doubts about who the KING OF KINGS and LORD OF LORDS is!

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