Thursday, October 17, 2013


Colossians 1:1-2 "Paul, an APOSTLE of JESUS CHRIST BY THE WILL OF GOD, and Timotheus our brother,To the saints and faithful brethren in Christ which are at Colosse: Grace be unto you, and peace, from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ." The term APOSTLE can also be defined as an "advocate" or "supporter". I don't think the Apostle Paul would take offense to either. But, another word this is used synonymously with Apostle is "BELIEVER"! The life and actions of Paul leave little doubt he "BELIEVED" that JESUS was the Son of GOD! Why else would a man who was a Pharisee, a man of great esteem, give up the prestige and notoriety he had achieved, to live a life on the run from persecutors of The Faith? The Apostle Paul believed that JESUS was GOD's (who is a SPIRIT) flesh and HE came to provide a path to Heaven "to all who believe" (John 1:12). But why did Paul choose to believe in JESUS as the CHRIST? Why would he debase himself among men to supposedly follow a MAN who claimed to be GOD's SON? The only answer I need is found in verse one of Colossians. "BY THE WILL OF GOD" gives all the explanation required. Do you suppose in Exodus 14 that Pharaoh took out after the Children of Israel telling his army "Come on, let's go chase the Israelites into the Red Sea and let GOD drown us"! Scripture records in Exodus 14:3 that GOD "hardened" Pharaoh's heart! The rest, as they say, is history. If GOD can "HARDEN" a heart, GOD can surely soften a heart. Apostle Paul was a brutal persecutor of the followers of JESUS. Yet GOD changed his "HEART" and made him to be an "APOSTLE", or believer in The CHRIST. GOD is a "heart" changer. HE changed my heart from a self-centered, vile person into a servant of CHRIST! I pray that, if HE has yet to perform a "heart" procedure in your life, you will allow HIM to give you a check-up!

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