Tuesday, July 30, 2013


Matthew 13:15-16  (KJV)   "For this people’s heart is waxed gross, and their ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes they have closed; lest at any time they should see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and should understand with their heart, and should be converted, and I should heal them.  But blessed are your eyes, for they see: and your ears, for they hear."

A little over three years ago we "inherited" a little puppy from my future daughter-in-law and she and my youngest son talked "Dad" into keeping him for them for a while.  I guess I am the "push over" for our kids!  Not long afterward, my oldest son and daughter-in-law had a puppy that grew past the 50 lb. weight limit of their apartments.  So "push over" Dad came through once again.  

"ROME" and "ECHO" are now ours. My oldest son and daughter-in-law named their puppy "ROME" because they were engaged in Rome, Italy.   I guess the name "Italy" just didn't fit?

"ECHO" was named by my youngest son and then future daughter-in-law. He has extremely limited hearing abilities and his vision is not good either.  It took the longest for me to get accustomed to ECHO being NOT ABLE to hear when he is being talked to.  Be it in discipline or in a cuddling moment, ECHO simply cannot hear!  Occasionally, he can hear you if you scream at him, but you have to be real deliberate in your mannerisms.  At other times, ECHO will se sleeping in the floor, and "JUMP" as if he is startled, almost running for cover!

GOD has used this "puppy" (my wife has said they are 65 lb. lap dogs!) to teach me so many lessons.  I am a simple man so my lessons are generally just as simple.  Since ECHO cannot hear well, we tend to give instructions to ROME and hope that ECHO follows his lead.  ROME loves being the center of attention, and ECHO literally adores being the "tag-a-longer"!  ROME goes crazy when a Frisbee is in sight, and ECHO does too!  But, ECHO does not chase the Frisbee, he chases ROME who is chasing the Frisbee.  One can speculate the reason is because ECHO's vision is so limited he cannot see the Frisbee in the air, but he can see ROME running right in front of him.  

Isn't that the way people operate at times?  You have "LEADERS" and then there are "FOLLOWERS".   Some are "spoken to" by GOD to carry HIS message to others.  Others are simply waiting to follow the lead of the one "chasing the Frisbee"!  

Cherish the "role" GOD has given you!  It makes no difference if you are chasing the Frisbee or chasing someone else who is chasing the Frisbee.  Not everyone can fulfill the same roll, nor would they be happy trying.  Search HIS word and find your niche' and be the best ______ you can be.   

GOD will reveal to you what you need to be at exactly what HE has planned for you to be.  Like ECHO when he is startled, sometimes only you will hear what HE is saying to you!  

Matthew 11:27 says "All things are delivered unto me of my Father: and no man knoweth the Son, but the Father; neither knoweth any man the Father, save the Son, and he to whomsoever the SON WILL REVEAL HIM."    Keep your eyes and ears open!  

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