Saturday, July 6, 2013


Galatians 3:11  (KJV)
"But that no man is justified by the law in the sight of God, it is evident: for, The just shall live by faith."

2 Corinthians 5:7   (KJV)
"For we walk by faith, not by sight."

Our society has become so involved and so busy!  It seems mankind has to constantly be striving to improve.  We sent astronauts to the moon.  We continue to make computers smaller and quicker.  There seems to be no limit to medical technology.  And to think from where we have come.......

This morning while meditating on The WORD, I was thinking about how things were done only 200 years ago.  In the early 1800's there was little to do except work, eat, and sleep!  There were no iPhones, iPads, automobiles, or many other luxuries afforded to us today.  Life was a lot less complex than today. 

We have become so caught up in "our success" that we never think of WHO is responsible for the success!  There is little doubt that we have been blessed far beyond our measure.  Yet we continue to live in the "Fast Lane" without considering from where the blessings originate?

Psalms 46:10 says "Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth."   GOD WILL BE EXALTED!   HE can slow you down enough to "RECOGNIZE" HIM should it be required.  

No man is complete without GOD in his life!  Success comes from HIM.  (Joshua 1:8).  "Every human being is born into this poor, sin-sick world is born with a CRAVING for unconditional love and acceptance." 
In the late 1970's, a musical group called NEWSONG sang a song that said "A square peg won't fit in a round hole"!  Man has been trying to fill that "round hole" for thousands of years to no avail.  

The longsuffering of our LORD will one day come to an end.  I pray that HE returns soon...... and finds me living "BY FAITH"!  

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