Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Six years ago today....

Six years ago today....

I awoke to start a new chapter in my life.  I had plans to begin the Foundation for Responsible Youth to assist young people in going to College or Trade School and get them out of the rut so many of them were in.  I was excited to be able to assist with helping mold kids into adults making responsible decisions. 

At 5:30AM I was getting up to begin my day........but my legs did not hold me up!  I fell in the floor with a THUD and my wife asked me what was wrong.  I tried telling her my legs were not working, but my words came out "all jumbled"! 

It was discovered I was experiencing an "Hemorrhagic Stroke"!  Hemorrhagic Stroke's are extremely fatal (80% fatality rate) and I am blessed beyond measure to be able to be reliving this story today.  After a brief 52 day stay in a couple of hospitals, I was released to go to my sons High School football game!  

When people hear of the journey I have been on they inevitably say "GOD is not through with you yet"!  I generally respond "NO, HE is not"!  Pray for me that I will be open to whatever The LORD calls me to do.  I give ALL PRAISE and HONOR and  GLORY to HIM!  

My theme song since is "I can't even walk, without YOU holding my hand"!

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